The Fog is Coming
So, you want to know more about how this place was created? Well, you are in luck, because I am going to tell you all about it. Firstly, just know that this site will have changes to make you sacrifice more newborns (thanks to a friend for the idea).
The Start...
It all started at about 20:00 on the 22nd of August 2023. I was sitting in my room with a sore throat, and pondering to myself... I want to create a website. I do not care if it is a shitpost or not, I just want a website. So, I busted out the guide to creating websites using Astro and went to town.
The Hosting provider
The hosting provider I am using is Netlify. I am using Netlify because it is free, and I am a cheap bastard (broke). I am planning on making a more sophisticated website eventually, maybe using Heroku or AWS, but for now, Netlify will do.
Some other projects I might work on
You see, this is not the first project I have worked on. I have worked on a lot of projects. My proudest maybe being the Oghma Discord bot and oneo ther project I did for my school. This project will also be far from my last, as I intend on continuing to improve this website and eventually get a bit more interactivity.